Eugene E Mahoney

Battalion Chief Gene Mahoney (retired) from Los Angeles Fie Department, and later Fire Chief for Garden Grove (CA).  Chief Mahoney held the position of Safety Director and then Assistant City Manager for Public Safety.  Gene Mahoney was a primary crator of the Fire Science Curriculum at Harbor College and served there as a part-tine instructor for 12 years.  Chief Mahoney holds a B.S. degree in Public Administration from the University of Southern California and his Master's Degree in Education also from USC.  Chief Mahoney is the author of numerous articles and textbooks in the field of fire science.


Brent Hannig is currently a Captain in the Henderson (NV) Fire Department.  Brent has served as a firefighter, engineer and direver/operator as well as a member of the Technical Rescue team.  Brent is a part-time instructor at the College of Southern Nevada.