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EMS Safety and Risk Management

EMS Safety and Risk ManagementPhysical Product

List Price: $73.32

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For courses in EMS Safety and Risk Management


EMS Safety and Risk Management is designed to assist EMS providers in the reduction of line-of-duty injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. For information on teaching and learning resources, please contact your Brady representative.


Teaching and Learning Experience

  • Provides a framework for developing programs that will create an appropriate margin of health and safety during the performance of EMS duties.
  • Offers students a strong foundation in the areas of safety and health.


Hallmark Features:


Provides a frameworkfor developingprograms that will create anappropriate margin ofhealth and safety duringthe performance of EMS duties:

  • What Would You Do? Case Study: Every chapter starts with an EMS manager tackling an issue regarding public information and education that is related to the content of the chapter. How he resolved the issue based on information in the chapter is presented in the What Would You Do? Reflection feature at the end of the chapter.
  • Every chapter promotes best practices and includes a real-world example that illustrates information from the chapter having been used successfully by an EMS agency.
  • The text provides safety information that can be applied to a diverse range of services, including volunteer agencies, career agencies, third service, fire department, hospital, and various other types of services.
  • Chapter 3 discusses establishing the safety program, emphasizes the administrative side of the safety program, and covers the management viewpoint, financial impact, and insurance perspective.
  • Chapter 4 addresses the application of a well-defined safety program, including the role of the safety officer within the program, safety program components, and the safety culture of an organization.
  • Chapter 8 describes station, office, and facility safety, covering workplace organization, vehicle maintenance, flammables, and promoting the concept that safety is much more than understanding the inherent risks at incident scenes; it is understanding of the entire system.

Offers students a strong foundation in the areas of safetyand health:

  • The book concentrates heavily on safety principles and foundations.
  • Objectives are identified at the beginning of each chapter and outline the material the reader should understand upon completion of the chapter.
  • Key terms are listed at the beginning of each chapter and are bold upon introduction in the chapter. Each chapter’s terms are defined at the end of the chapter, and all terms are included in the comprehensive glossary at the end of the book.
  • Sidebar features relate interesting information that corresponds very closely to text discussion.
  • Students are required to draw on the knowledge presented in the chapter to answer the chapter review questions.
  • A list of bibliographical references appears at the end of each chapter.

EMS Safety and Risk Management is designed to assist EMS providers in the reduction of line-of-duty injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. For information on teaching and learning resources, please contact your Brady representative.

Teaching and Learning Experience

  • Provides a framework for developing programs that will create an appropriate margin of health and safety during the performance of EMS duties.
  • Offers students a strong foundation in the areas of safety and health.

This title is also available as part of our Digital Library EMS Management Series, please visit www.bradybooks.com/dl to learn more.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Risk and Safety
  2. The EMS Safety Officer
  3. Safety Program Management
  4. Developing a Safety Program
  5. Risk Management Process
  6. Vehicle Driving and Fleet Maintenance
  7. Scene Operations
  8. Station, Office, and Facility Safety
  9. Accident Investigation
  10. Recordkeeping
  11. EMS Provider Health and Wellness

Appendix I Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Appendix II Federal Resources

Appendix III Associations

Appendix IV Other Resources



Product Type: Physical Product

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