MyLab BRADY with Pearson eText Combo Access Code for Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene, 12th Edition
- By Chris Le Baudour, J. David Bergeron, Keith Wesley
- Pub. Date: Apr 1, 2024 by Pearson.
- ISBN-10: 0-13-810129-9
- ISBN-13: 978-0-13-810129-9
List Price: $179.99
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Hallmark features of this title
Fundamental EMR skills and knowledge
- Up-to-date evidence-based medical practices are covered in each chapter, with an emphasis on the why of patient presentation.
- Step-by-step skills are presented in about 90 photo scans, offering a quick reference.
- References to current medical literature makes this title stand out among other EMR textbooks.
Engaging learning aids
- First on Scene scenarios woven throughout chapters put students in the middle a real-life emergency, offering a perspective they won't get with any other training resource.
- First on Scene Run Review pose critical-thinking questions related to the First on Scene scenario. The questions challenge students to consider how they might have responded differently.
Emergency Medical Responder is the leader in the field. Author Chris Le Baudour provides clear, first responder-level training for fire service, emergency, law enforcement, military, civil and industrial personnel. For over 40 years, this title has been an important component of thousands of training programs and has contributed to the success of hundreds of thousands of students.
The 12th Edition aligns with the latest National EMS Education Standards and includes the 2023 Focused Updates from the American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid. The new edition also incorporates more language of inclusiveness, in recognition of the diverse backgrounds and life experiences of EMR students.
Personalize learning with MyLab Brady with Pearson+ eTextbook
This flexible digital platform combines unrivaled content, online assessments and customizable features to personalize learning and improve results.
Pearson+ eTextbook is an easy-to-use digital textbook available within MyLab® that lets you read, highlight and take notes, all in one place.
NOTE: This MyLab combo access pack includes a MyLab access code plus a loose-leaf print version (delivered by mail) to complement your MyLab experience. To register for and use MyLab, you will need either a course ID from your instructor or an invitation link that your instructor will send you directly.
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Table of Contents
- Introduction to EMS Systems
- Legal and Ethical Principles of Emergency Care
- Wellness and Safety of the Emergency Medical Responder
- Introduction to Medical Terminology, Human Anatomy, and Lifespan Development
- Introduction to Pathophysiology
- Principles of Lifting, Moving, and Positioning of Patients
- Principles of Effective Communication
- Principles of Effective Documentation
- Principles of Airway Management and Ventilation
- Principles of Oxygen Therapy
- Principles of Resuscitation
- Obtaining a Medical History and Vital Signs
- Principles of Patient Assessment
- Caring for Cardiac Emergencies
- Caring for Respiratory Emergencies
- Caring for Common Medical Emergencies
- Caring for Environmental Emergencies
- Caring for Soft Tissue Injuries and Bleeding
- Recognition and Care of Shock
- Caring for Muscle and Bone Injuries
- Caring for Head and Spinal Injuries
- Caring for Chest and Abdominal Emergencies
- Care During Pregnancy and Childbirth
- Caring for Infants and Children
- Special Considerations for the Geriatric Patient
- Introduction to EMS Operations and Hazardous Response
- Introduction to Multiple-Casualty Incidents, the Incident Command System, and Triage
- Patient Monitoring Devices
- Principles of Pharmacology
- Air Medical Transport Operations
- Introduction to Terrorism Response and Weapons of Mass Destruction